Password Change Notice
Password rules:
Password length should be greater than 8 and less than 15 characters. Password should contain at least one digit [0-9], one alphabet [A-Z] [a-z] and one special character such as [@#&*!]. You must request OTP code first by entering your username and clicking
Request OTP Code
button before you enter new password information.Your OTP code will be sent to your valid contact email in the system.
User Name
User Name is Required.
Enter OTP Code
OTP Code is Required.
New Password
New Password is Required.
Password length should be greater than 8 and less than 15 characters. Password should contain at least one digit [0-9], one alphabet [A-Z] [a-z] and one special character such as [@#&*!].
Confirm New Password
Confirm Password is Required.
New and Confirm New Passwords do not match!
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